I thought the Democrats were the sensitive caring huggy- feely party that accepted all kinds of folks into their tent? I guess it’s true, for along with about every nut job with a gripe, they have racists, bigots, extremists, Marxists and I guess about everything on the left side of the political spectrum.
I have always thought of free speech as a given, but to some on the left, you’re only free to speak if you mouth their platitudes and march in lock-step with them.
Here are just a few examples:
· The right to choose: This is only a right if you choose abortion. I thought being Pro Choice you meant you had a right to choose. Wrong, it means you need to abort a baby rather keeping it or putting it up for adoption.
· Free Speech: Seems like Liberals can say anything they please, but let a Conservative say something they don’t like, such as the truth or the facts, they tend to become very agitated and resort to lines such as “Bush Lied” and “Halliburton caused 9-11”.
· They say we must be tolerant of Islam, yet wage an unending war against Christianity and Judaism.
· They call the TEA Party Racists, despite the fact one of the founders is Black and Herman Cain is running as a strong contender for President. And , as a closing thought on this subject, Robert Byrd.
· They march for women’s rights here, yet are strangely quiet about the savage abuses heaped upon women in the Arab States.
· Everyone has a right to work; as long as you belong to a union.
· Try finding work in Hollywood or as a journalist if you are open about your Conservatism.
These are just a few examples of a group of people that have espoused tolerance and understanding yet by their very actions, have shown themselves to some of the most intolerant people you will ever meet. Actions will always speak louder than words.
Well said!!! And so true. You hit the nail on the head ~ again!