Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Unfairness of Fairness

  I been lissenin' and readin' about all the 1%'ers whinin' and cryin' about how unfair it is they have so much debt  from school loans and feel the fair thing to do is have the government  forgive their debt.
"Scuse me but have I been hearin' right? they want the government to pay? I guess when they were taking all those college course like Basket Weaving 101 and Primitive Art Appreciation and running a 200k+ debt, they forgot to learn one simple thing...WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT!!  They get a free ride and my taxes go up! How the heck is that fair.?

  I think the politically bandied about term "Fairness" is the ultimate in  paradoxes. Think about it, the more you try to be fair to one person, the harder some other person  gets screwed(pardon my French).
Cases in point here:
  • Kids' Sports: Team A works hard during practice. They play hard in games and win championship. Team B just kinda goes thu season, just kinda playin' at the game. They get a trophy too. Fair? I don't think so. To be fair though, Team A did get a lesson in why perform if some schmuck can get the same for doing less?
  • A family works hard, saves and buys a home. They buy what they can afford,  then work and scrimp to pay it off. Another family buys a home assuming a massive debt hoping the market will go up and cover it. Market goes south and they are underwater. President says it's unfair that it happened. Says Gonna bail you out! Okay how fair is that? One family sacrifices and keeps theirs, the other gets a bailout and the government passes it onto people already struggling by raising their taxes all in the name of fairness.
  • A student works hard, studies, saves and applies to a good college. Admissions says sorry, we have to admit someone who is less qualified because they have to be fair by letting in more minorities. Fair? You decide.
  • A president decides that health care in this country is unfair. So he wheels ,deals, threatens and cajoles and to force a massive boondoggle of a  bill through both Houses of  Congress. Result: Health care costs go up care goes down and fewer people can afford insurance. Add this in, waivers are given to people and unions that supported his election. Hmmmm, how fair is that? Add this to it, he won't be subject to the plan even though it's mockingly called "Obamacare".
 I know we all like to think that life should be fair and in a perfect world it might be; but the world ain't perfect and neither are the people who inhabit it. Best we can hope for is to treat folks as we'd like to be treated ourselves. To want anything more than that might be considered unfair.