Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Handicappin the Field or the GOP Scratch Sheet

  Well it's that time again. The run for the White House. Some folks say it's like a horse race but I like to think of it as a steeplechase, lot's of hurdles and mud with plenty of bumping and crowdin' along the way. Horses will fall by wayside and the winner will be the one that shows endurance and smarts along with toughness and speed.
 So I thought I might try my hand and handicappin' this field for you and see how yall might like to rate them so here goes.

Mitt Romney  6-5 and may go to even money as the race progresses!
  Very smart runner. Has a smooth polished and got off to early lead out of gate but seemed hesitant to get muddy in the beginning but getting tougher as the race progrsses. Will see if he has the stamina and heart to go the distance.

Rick Perry 8-5
  Got out of gate late but quickly over took lead. Perry is good in mud and not afraid to mix it up in a pack. Seems to stumble at some hurdles so I don't know if he has stamina to finish a long grueling race, but the winner will know he was there.

Herman Cain 2-1
  The dark horse in the field. I had longer odds on him but he's gaining his stride and closing fast. but, his lack of experience and medical history could hurt him coming down the stretch. That being said, "The Hemanator" is gonna make his presence known.

Michelle Bachman 4-1
  Bachman is a local favorite but can't seem to gain any traction and has stumbled at some of the jumps but will keep running in order to place or show.

Newt Gingrich 10-1
  Newt is the joker in the deck. Running in the pack right now, but if leaders  stumble or he sees an opening, he could sweep the field. He's the smartest runner right now but don't know if he has the legs to finish.

Rick Santorum 25-1
 Running out of his class, he's overmatched but he could tumble one of the frontrunners allowing for a different than expected finish.

John Hunstman 50-1
The "Post-Turtle" in the field. Not sure how he got there and has no business being there. Don't think he will have the stamina to finish and seems hesitant to mix it up. I think he might just be using this race to get a better spot in the next one.

Ron Paul 100-1
 Not sure why he's running, but his backers love him.  Has the stamina to go the distance but don't think he can overtake frontrunners. And you never know when he might just veer hard and crash into the rail.

Well, there's my opening take on this horse race. It is a rather unique one don't you think, you think you might be leading and wow gee, another horse enters, knocking you back. But I kinda think the field is set barring any last minute heartfelt changes of minds. I'll be updating odds as the field shortens and the mud piles onto the riders. Y' all enjoy.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Don't Ask Don't Tell Has Become Show and Tell

  Okay, what has happened to us as a country? Where is the outrage? Where is the hue and cry over what they have done to our military? My God, it's an outrage that Obama wanted this and Congress allowed it. I'm a vet and I don't speak for anyone but myself here when I say I'm sickened and disgusted by the whole deal. I saw a picture the other day after it became official of a gay officer marrying his partner in Vermont and I wondered how we let this come to pass.  Did anybody ask the Joint Chiefs? How about the men and women who are going to have to soldier with them? How will affect morale, retention or readiness be affected?
 Okay, call me Homophobic if you want, but I honestly believe that it's wrong to have done this. Yes, Ed, some will say,  these the same arguments used when the military was integrated after WWII? Maybe so, I think the people saying this are comparing apples to oranges. I think this is an outright ploy by the Liberal Left to weaken the military.
  I served in the Navy in the 70's under Carter when we got all touchy feely by having Human Relation Councils,and sensitivity training which did nothing  more than to undermine the authority of NCO's and officers. You try give an order to a person and if they didn't like it, they would cry any number of reasons from outright discrimination to just harassment. Kinda hard to get something done when you have to consider every angle when trying to give what you felt to be a lawful order.  Anybody who served back then can tell you what it was like under President "Jimmuh".
 Then came ''Willy" and Don't ask don't tell.  What kind of can of worms that has been is very evident. Lawsuit after lawsuit. But, the courts upheld it and still the Military still did its best to "Charlie-Mike" (continue mission).
  Now, we have Obama. Despite all his words to the contrary, his action say volumes about his feeling towards the Military and this new openess about being okay to be gay is just another Liberal method of destroying some thing they have always hated.
   Well, now yall know how I feel. I'm sure some of you will not really care for this one but I felt it needed saying and it's my soapbox and my dime. Oh, and one last thing, and this goes out to the men and women serving today : May God Bless all Y'all and keep you safe.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stickin' Your Boots in the Oven....

  Howdy, I've been listenin' to His Royal Majesty a lot this week and he seems to be saying the same things over and over. So, I thought I might see if I can respond to what he's been sayin using expressions I've heard and read my whole life from people who make a lot more sense than him. Let's see how this goes.. (Obama will be in the quotation marks and my response will be in Italics)

"We need to spend more, invest more to create jobs. This next  Stimulus will work"
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!

"I have always believed that taxes on the middle class are too high"
Wearin a hat and boots don't make you a cowboy!

"The Government must be in partnership with business!"
A real cowboy saddles his own horse and kills his own snakes.

"Investing in America doesn't mean higher taxes."
Sticking your boots in the oven won't make them biscuits!

"America will no longer be the guiding force in the World"
"You won't break your horse a-sittin on the fence.

"We must pass this jobs bill now; and after we do, I'll explain how we pay for it."
When dealing with lawyers and bankers, always bring a magnifying glass to read the fine
print before signing papers!

"This next bill is what Americans' need to help recover from the Bush years."
If you can't do it with a little, you can't do it with a lot..

"I inherited this ecconomy from my predecessor."
Rodeoin' has always been about the draw.. You take what you get and how well you perform is up to you.

Well, those are my thoughts on our President. I've quoted and paraphrased a lot of them and if you're well read in cowboy literature, you might recognize some of them... but I learned a lot from them, 'specially that old rancher that took a 12 year old boy and showed him what cowboys do and are... he didn't talk much but his actions spoke volumes. Too bad Obama never got a chance to hear him.  He might not have wound up as a Post Turtle and things might be a lot better today.