Friday, January 7, 2011

We The People.....

"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

  I was listening to the radio yesterday and was intrigued by the fact that there are some people out there that don't think the Constitution should have been read at the opening of the new session of Congress. Some of the reasons were:"It's out of date", "It took too much  time", It cost too much to have the members do it".
  Okay, now I would like to offer my thoughts on this. I think it was great for them to have to do this if for no other reason than to remind them of what they are there to do.
The Constitution is several things to me. First, it is a blue print for our country. It lays  out what the government can do and more importantly WHAT IT CAN'T!, which seems to have been lost on it until recently.
  Secondly, it is a contract between us and the people who represent us in the government. Just listen to the oath of office that all of us took when we joined the military and it is the same one that the members of the government have to take also. It gives us the right to fire  members of Congress when we don't think they are doing their jobs as we want them to, just as the recent election proved.
  And the final reason is that it's a manual on how the government should work. And that's why we should all have a working knowledge of the Constitution in order to protect ourselves from the government. It's like taking your car to the mechanic and having no idea what he's talking about as he runs up the bill for things you know nothing about, but should since you are the owner of that car. This last point was driven home by one caller who said that we shouldn't have to deal with knowing the Constitution because that's why we have the government. We elected it to take care of things like that for us. Well, we can see how well that's been working up til now. I would like to pose the following question to y'all: Have you ever hired or contracted someone and said,"I don't care, just do it and send me the bill. I trust you."?
    The point I'm trying to make is that we can no longer afford the luxury of apathy and letting the other person be involved if we want to restore the United States back into what our Founding Fathers envisoned: A Government of the People, for the People and BY THE PEOPLE!

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