Friday, January 28, 2011

Investing? in our Future

   Investing, such an interesting word to use by Obama as a code word for increased spending. In a way I feel sorry for people that think the government is the solution for all our problems.  So, maybe, if the right people read this, I might be able to shed some light on how well government investing has worked to date.

  Amtrak: What  a money pit this has been. Trains can't run on schedule and all we can do to fix it pour more money into it. there is no competition to even force it to try to be solvent.
   The Auto Industry: GM? it's now Government Motors and they announced they are building a plant in Mexico to build "Green" engines for their cars. Will that count in jobs saved?  Add the repressive guidelines for the auto industry on mileage, pollution and safety  to the high cost of union labor which has done nothing but add to the cost of manufacturing of autos.
    NTSA: How well is that working? Anybody like the idea of a government program that trusts to luck and the inefficiency of the people trying to blow up our planes? They always seem to throw out the baby with the water when dealing with threats to the Airlines.

   Since the  Federal Government's "investment" in education, Schools have suffered, scores for children have dropped and we are losing an entire generation of children. How well has "No Child Left Behind" worked? Looks like the only ones to have benefited from this investment have been the Teachers' Unions. Add  the fact that with the Fed's takeover of student loans and  having it decide who gets a loan and what  course studies will be allowed doesn't sound like a recipe for success.

   Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Need I say more on this? No, but I will. A prime example of how government is completely incapable of running anything concerned with making  or loaning money. Look what has happened to the housing industry in the last two years.

Health Care and Social Security
    I truly think this, if not fixed soon, will be the straw that breaks the back of the US.  The above examples should be proof enough that the government can't be trusted to run a lemonade stand much less a program that encompasses at least 15 percent of our economy.

The Postal System
   Why do we need this anymore? Just how many of us actually use  mail any more?  UPS and FedEx can do it faster and cheaper

 This should be a lesson to all of us to remember What Ronald Reagan once said: "Government is not the solution to our problems. IT'S THE PROBLEM!"
   Private industry when freed from the shackles of government restraint and and and the chokehold of  regulations can be the salvation of our economy.  How much help did Henry Ford have   from government investing with his assembly lines and the Model T? What about the computer industry? Most of the technology came from people working on ideas on their own. for example, Apple, Microsoft and Dell. These are examples of what can happen when free enterprise is allowed to flourish. This Country's economy can't survive much less thrive under such a staggering "investment".
  I have a final thought on the subject. I do think there is a perfect spot for Government investment in our economy. Let's let them invest in Organized Crimeand the Drug Cartels.
With government controls and regulations, they would have the cost of drugs so high that no one could afford them in no time at all. Plus, it would be run so inefficiently that no drugs would most likely make into the coutry Who knows, it might be cheaper in the long run to do it this way than by combatting them the way we are now?

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