Did you ever wonder what can go through a person's head at one thirty in the morning?
Here's a sample:
I think Football should be played in the open.
I think Texas style BBQ is the best.
I think the Designated Hitter should be done away with.
I think people who don't own guns should have to pay an extra tax.
I think the US should annex Mexico. Where would they go then? Canada?
I think a prayer before gametime is perfectly acceptable.
I think the death penalty works.
I think .45 ammo is cheaper than 9mm because you only have to shoot them once.
I think the President is a post turtle.
I think Congress has no clue.
I think Lonesome Dove is the best movie ever made, period.
I think Reagan was the greatest President since Washington.
I think some people are alive today only because it's illegal to kill them.
I think a high school football game is a great way to spend a Friday Night.
I think the country is now ready for a woman president.
I think Dixie is a perfectly acceptable song.
I think a green chile cheeseburger is Nature's perfect food.
I think pro sports seasons are too long.
I think Ford makes a better truck than GM or Dodge.
I think Coke is better that Pepsi.
I think the "Green Movement" means more government control.
I think John Wayne should replace Roosevelt on Mount Rushmore.
I think New England should be consolidated into one state.
I think the Federalist Papers should be required reading in high schools.
I think calling something "gay" is gay.
I think a lot of kids are over-medicated and under-disciplined.
I think "Politically Corrrect" is synonymous for "No Guts".
I think each school day should start with the Pledge of Allegience.
I think I choose life over abortion because my mother did.
non-linear, indeed! you are all over the place at 1:30 a.m.....once of the reasons i love you!