Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dear Santa....

Well, it's been a while since I sent a  letter to Santa Claus, but desperate times call for desperate measures, so here goes:

Dear Santa,
  I hope you are well and feeling generous this Christmas for though this list isn't long it might be kinda difficult to fill. But here goes.

  1. Secure Borders- It doesn't seem like the government is capable of doing this yet is willing to sue a state that tries to do it on their own, so if you could help on that one, I'd be really grateful.
  2. A Rollback of Federal Spending to at least levels of FY 2005.
  3. Pay cuts for all members of the Legislative Branch. In fact, let's make it performance based, like the private sector.
  4. Defunding "Obama-Care" until it can be repealed.
  5. Kill "Cap and Tax" once and for all.
  6. An email to Speaker Boehner reminding him that his job is only temporary and will be yanked out from under him if he forgets the people that entrusted him with his new position.
  7. Remind the Supreme Court that United States  is indeed founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, regardless of what the ACLU says.
  8. Either diction lessons or a bib for Barney Frank
  9. A Sandals Resort vacation for Nancy Pelosi's husband. God knows he could use one after having to put up with that scary b***h for so many years.
  10. A  federal prison cell with a nice view for Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters.
  11. A fair and simplified tax code.
  12. A one way ticket to OHare Airport for the Obama family on January 21st 2013. Let's see how they like getting felt up before boarding!
   Now, Santa, I know you won't be  able to fill this list because it will be up to the people of these United States to accomplish this. But, it did feel good to get it off my chest and I thank you for listening and look forward again to leaving BBQ'ed Brisket and Sweet Tea for you again. I know you are accustomed to milk and cookies, but when you cross that Red River, you're in Texas and to get across it you're gonna need something that'll stick with ya!
Your Friend
Ed Carter

If you could arrange it, my last Christmas wish is that none of our Servicemen and women become a casualty of any kind on Christmas. Christmas should be a time of joy and faith and not a day to mourn.

Merry Christmas all yall!


  1. Love it! What am great post! And I agree with every wish on your list.

  2. Great Christmas wish list....and I am thankful that it is O.K. to say MERRY CHRISTMAS again.
