I saw something today that distressed me to no end. I was out voting early when I saw this sign on the door: "Vote Aqui". Vote Aqui? Last time I checked, that was Spanish. What is that doing at a US polling place? This for a group of people that say we are prejudiced against them and keeping them from voting? Why is it that there are no other foreign languages at our polling places? Such as:
Vote Hier : Dutch, German, Afrikaans
Vote Dito : Filpino
Vote Ici : French
Vote Qui: Italian
Vote O day: Vietnamese
Vote Tutag: Polish
I guess the point I'm trying to make without sounding like a Bigot, is why is Spanish the only other language? If we are supposed to be so politically correct, then why aren't all the other languages repersented? To me this is not discrimination, but preferential treatment. Ever wonder just how much extra it costs the the government and businesses to have to be bilingual? What is wrong with just having English or in our case Texan as an official state language and do business accordingly? The same goes for our school systems. Teach everything in English and just provide help as needed. In the long run, this will benefit everyone.
Finally,it is true that we are a Nation of immigrants, but the sooner we all learn or remember we are Ameicans now, the better off we are all gonna be.
I totally agree! Well said, Eddie Dale! Why aren't you running for office?!?!? Oh, wait....skeletons in our closets? LOL. Great post!