It occured to me today (not the first time mind you) as I looked in the mirror shaving that I had suddenly gotten old! So, later, as I sat in my den ; I looked back to try and figure when it happened.
It certainly didn't happen that Christmas I got my first pair of boots. Shoot all I could think of then was when do we eat again and I think I need some jeans .
I don't think it was in the 4th grade when our only worries were who was going to choose who for sides in baseball. I think there might have been some thoughts about girls during all that. Such as why would any guy want anything to do with them.
It still hadn't happened when I was 15. It was my freshman year and mainly all I worried about was trying figure a way to drive my algebra teacher crazy and lamenting the fact freshmen are lower than pond scum and no girl wants to be seen with them.
Dont think it was when I turned 18 and had the world by the tail. I was so smart then. A head full of knowledge and a mind of mush and no idea what was in store for me. But who cared? Plenty of time in life right?
I don t think it was in the Navy. Nineteen and ready to see and take on the world.
Little did I realize just how big and unforgiving the world can be. But still young and bullet proof.
Looking back I don't think it happened when I was rodeoin'. though there were some days I felt real old after a rough night in the arena and a rougher night at the dance after! Not quite as young, but I realized I was only average in talent and that could get me hurt bad. Getting smarter, not older.
Might have started happening in my thirties. Seems like as the hair got thinner, the waist got thicker. Age does have a way of creeping subtly upon us when we least expect it. That knee I got from football would pain me some, but it was easy to walk off. But not as easy as it used to be.
Now the forties did have me showin' some wear and tear and feelin' it, too. But it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle. More grey in the hair ( what was left of it), but I could still do all the physical stuff I enjoyed doin, from riding a bike to doing a hard day"s work in the plant. I could still walk a field hunting all day and crush the hand of any of the football players my daughter brought home for me to meet.
Well, I'm in my mid-fifties and things are still very good. I have had some problems and medical issues, but was fortunate and by Grace of God to have caught them early. I don't run as fast as I used to, but I have learned running just gets you there a little quicker and walkin' lets me see more. As I think back on it, I have gotten older. But I still don't think of myself as old. I think if you fight aging, specially the mental part, then you may age without getting old. And, isn't that what we all want to do? In the words of that Toby Keith song, " I may not be as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was". Well said, Toby.
I love looking at your journey in life through pictures! You, My Dear, are a wise man - and you are not old at all!