This is what I hope to be an eye opener to every child (I am loathe to call you adults as you have shown little inclination to act as adults) that thinks the world should be a safe happy place where everybody gets a gets a trophy and no one gets left behind. You tell us that even with your limited life experiences that you already know what's best for the country and are not bashful about letting us know.
Allow me to illuminate you on a few things you might want to ponder:
- Guns: You don't like guns, then don't get one. Just don't try to take mine.
- Free speech: you wanna protest a speaker, okay; just don't hinder my right to listen to him.
- Religion: Don't believe in God? okay, even though I feel sorry for you, I accept that. But don't try to restrict my beliefs by crying separation of Church and State
- $15.00 per hour minimum wage? Acquire a skill set that will make you that valuable.
- Recycling/Going Green: We have been doing that our whole lives. Jeans that were bought in the fall for school became shorts in the summer when the knees wore through. We lined our trash cans with newspapers and covered our school books with paper bags our mothers brought the groceries home in. Ever hear of hand me downs? We wasted nothing.
- Fossil fuels: Did you ever wonder how we will get along without plastics? Or how much electricity is generated by coal and natural gas? Probably not.
- Don't like a certain program,change the channel.
- Abortion?I don't believe in it, but it's your choice. However do not try to justify it by saying it's your body then saying I have no right to buy a 32 oz Dr Pepper because it's harmful to my body in the same breath.
- Constitutional Rights? The Constitution is the framework of our government. If you read it, you will see it does not grant you rights, but restricts the government from taking your rights from you. Big difference.
- Immigration? I'm all for it, but knock on the door and not break in through the window.
- Global Warming/Climate Change? I learned in 6th grade science all about that. It's called seasons! I do have one question about man made climate change: What caused the last Ice Age and what ended it?
- Government subsidized college education: who decides who gets in and what will be the deciding criteria? That which the government gives, it can also take away.
- Stomping/burning the American Flag as a form of expression of your feelings: I'll give you that as long as you realize that I will consider stomping on you for doing that as a form of expression of my feelings.
A Gun Owning Bible Clinging Baby Boomer