Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An Interview With Captains Call an McCrea

I sent this as a sample to to the Lonesome Dove Fan Page as a sample of my work . if they like it, I'll become a blogger for them. Regardless of what happens there,I'd like to share it with you and see what y'all think.

An Interview With Captains Call an McCrea
                Hearing of a large herd of cattle being moved north towards Montana, I managed to run into the Leaders of the drive at the store here in Ogallala while they were ordering supplies. One seemed rather jocular while the other seemed kinda taciturn and only wanted to get their business done and get back to the herd.
                Approaching the talkative one, I asked his name and discovered he was none other than Captain Augustus McCrea, late of the Texas Rangers and his partner was Woodrow Call, also a Captain of the Rangers.
                Offering a round of drinks at the saloon next door, McCrae managed to get Call to follow along and while McCrea put a serious dent in a bottle, I learned they were driving a herd all the way from South Texas to Montana to start a ranch.
Here are some excerpts from that interview:

Me: So, gentlemen what ever made you decide to attempt something of this magnitude?

McCrae:  Well, me and Woodrow, we been all over most of Texas and Woodrow wants to be the first cattleman in Montana. Ain’t that right?

Call: Yessir.

McCrea: Now, Woodrow, this man wants to hear about us, don’t you think you could be a might more sociable?

Call: Gus, we got cows to tend to and I don’t like leaving the herd alone with most of the boys in town.

Me: Captain, just a few questions please. What gave you this notion to run cattle in Montana?

Call: Well  I got the idea from listening to a fellow ranger  by the name of Jake Spoon tell of his travels up there and all the grass and thought it  would be nice to see some unspoiled country before it got overrun  by folks  and civilized.
Me: This Jake Spoon sounds like an interesting person, I’d like to meet him and get his perspective.

Call:  Can’t.  We hung him down in the Nations for murder and horse thievin’.

Me: Without a trial? 

Call: Yessir caught him red-handed. Trial enough.

Me: Captain McCrea, why are you in on this adventure?

McCrea: Call me Gus. Well, Woodrow has it in his mind and well, it’s always been me and Woodrow. We fought the Comanche together; we built us a place down in Lonesome Dove together and well ,  I said, me and Woodrow.

Me: Gus, is there anything you’d like to add to Captain Call’s comments?

Gus: Well, a man needs something to do. And this seems like the thing for us right now. The Comanches are gone. We killed off most of the bandits and Texas is getting too tame. We are getting on now and this will be our last chance to go somewhere new, Like Texas was when we first got there.

Me: Well Gus, you seem to have quite a unique philosophy on live and living.

Call: Gus’ philosophy only comes out when he’s about half drunk or better.

Gus: Call that ain’t true. I’m a man who likes to engage in thoughtful conversation with people of a like mind. I do have quite a few thoughts on life and living, unlike you who prefers to watch the sunset cleaning your rifle.

Call: Well it’s a damn sight better than going into town playin’ cards and consortin’ with whores.

Gus: Whores need talking to also.

Call: Like all you do is talk to them.

Me: all right gentlemen, one last question, what kind of legacy do wish to leave behind you?

Call: Gus, you answer this; I’m going back to the herd. Nice meeting you, sir.

Gus:  well, I’d like to think we left each place we were a little better. That what we did mattered. And, that we will be remembered for just a little while after we are gone. Is that too much to hope for?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bro and Joe vs The NRA

 Looks like the Left is going to have to take aim at the NRA. The NRA has offered several proposals and have been not only rebuffed but shot down. We all know the Obama regime wants no part of the NRA. They want no part of anything that will stand in the way of their scheme ban guns here in the US as has happened throughout most of the World.
 After listening to Joe talk about "Executive Action", I began to wonder where does Congress stand in all this. Are they going to stand meekly by and allow our system of checks and balances go by the wayside?
What about the Supremes? Are they going to stand by and rubber stamp everything this person wants to to? The next question is, are we? Enter the NRA! The NRA has been fighting for individual guns rights and the 2nd Amendment for years. They are well organized and funded, not by shadowy holding companies or bundlers, but by their members. I've been a member for years and have often contributed to their battles.
 So, now with the NRA in their sights, The Left will now attempt to do what they do best. Lie, vilify, marginalize, threaten and persecute taking their methods directly from the Alinsky Playbook. They won't attack them directly; they are cunning like hyenas in that matter. They will attack from the flanks, attempt to weaken support for the NRA and gun owners by saying they don't want to ban all guns, just the ''bad'' ones. You will see high profile supporters of the NRA pilloried in print and on on the air by the Main Stream Media. The NRA and its  members will be most likely subjected to numerous audits and subpoenas. Moderate (RINO) Republicans will be attacked with the threat of losing the moderate vote if the Republicans continue to back the Second Amendment. Lies about guns will profligate the airwaves. Every shooting incident will be blasted over the airwaves, the bloodier the better. The exception being the stories where an armed individual prevented or stopped an incident. Obama will try and soothe the people by saying that something must be done, trust me, I know what's best for America! Hmmmm, does any of this sound familiar? Let's roll back the calender to Europe in the mid 1930's and see if anything looks familiar. I'll leave you to your own conclusions.
 One problem with attacking the NRA, is they won't lay down, knuckle under or play dead. The NRA is is not some person trying to get elected, It's us, the average American who believes that Constitution is not written on a chalkboard that can be erased and altered at the whim of some petty demagogue that wants to change our country to suit his vision. We, the members are going to fight, the best way we know how, by educating people, by staying in contact with our elected representatives, by voting them out if they cave and electing ones who will stand for the principal that they work for us, not the other way around. That y'all is how you fight a revolution these days. We must be doing something right, We (NRA) added over 100,000 new members just last week.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Left and Gun Control

  Been hearing a lot these days about gun control on the news. Been reading about it, too. Not too sure what to think. Some say banning the high capacity clips will be plenty. Some same say we need to ban the AR platform rifles. Some even want to to ban all guns and confiscate them.
 I honestly don't believe any of this will do what the the idealistic left say. It will however, take us from  being citizens  of a free country to being subjects of a government that is growing larger and more powerful each passing day.
 But, I digress. Let's look at some of their arguments:
Gun control will reduce violent crime: Illinois[Chicago] has some of the strictest laws in the country and violent crime is at all time high. Please explain that to me. States who recognize the right pf a person to carry a gun to defend themselves have seen their crime rates plummet.
Guns kill people: I love this one. Yes, so do baseball  bats, knives, bricks, motor vehicles, etc. The one common denominator in the aforementioned is that it takes an action by a person to turn them into a weapon.
We have the  police to protect us: the average loss of life in a rage shooting when police respond is around fourteen; when an armed citizen intervenes, it drops to two usually including the shooter. Case in point: while back a man started shooting up a trailer park in a nearby town. Police officer responded and was pinned by gunfire.The officer might have been killed if a man hadn't responded with a well placed shot dropping the shooter. Who protected whom?
We need to raise age limits to purchase guns. Young people aren't mature enough to  handle guns: Oh really? Does this mean we are going to have to raise the enlistment age also?
Lower capacity magazines will make it harder to kill more people: This one is laughable. Anyone with any dexterity can switch clips in a split second. Here's a thought along that line of thinking, most drivers  and passengers in a motor vehicle can survive a head on crash at twenty miles per hour. Do  see or hear anyone screaming to limit a vehicle's speed to 15 miles per hour?
Making it illegal to own a gun will reduce crime: How's that working for Meth and Crack? Does Prohibition come to mind?

Okay, I could go on all day about drunk drivers killing more people than guns etc.., but let's face it, when trying to present our side to the rabid Left to make them  understand; it isn't going to happen because none of us are Jackass Whisperers!

One final thing, when it comes to defending you and yours, I just wanna leave y'all with this thought: