Sunday, October 11, 2015

People and Things I Trust More Than Hillary

   Why is it ever time politicians say, ''you can trust me'', I get the feeling they are trying to sell me a pair of breeding mules[mules are sterile]. Trust, a small word but so large in everything we do during the day. Think about the things we automatically trust: our vehicles to start, an alarm clock to wake us up, the save icon on a document, etc. All small things but very important in most of our lives. How do you trust? Do you give it or does trust have to be earned? Me for the most part and maybe for most people it is a combination of the two. If someone or something betrays your trust, are you ever able to trust them or it again?
     Well now, seems we have a familiar name in the pot that is running for President. She says she thinks the US is ready for a woman President. I agree with her on that just not that it should be her. This has nothing to do with her last name or the fact that she has very little experience, her views differ from mine, and has a very off putting personality. I just don't trust her. In fact, here is a list of things and people I would trust before I would her:
  • A morning fart after a night of drinking Lone Star
  • Petting a porcupine
  • The EPA
  • The ATF
  • The IRS
  • A  street-corner 3 Card Monte Dealer
  • Gun Free Zones
  • Tony Romo when the game is on the line
  • Chupacabra sightings
  • A nasty looking Allsups Burrito at two o'clock in the morning
  • Area 51 reports
  • UFO sightings
  • My ''Jungle Juice'' not cause hangovers
  • Quail hunting with Dick Cheney
  • Catching a ride home with Ted Kennedy 
  • A Brian Williams  newsstory
  • General Petraeus' mistress
  • Filipino Street Food
  • Bill Clinton's marital fidelity
   That list could go on, but I think you get the idea. No matter how qualified a person may be for President, if you can't trust them, how can you vote for them?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Hillary: The Next President or The Next Bob Dole?


Well I admit it's been awhile but better late than never. 
    Sooooo here goes. How about that Hillary, huh? Lies thu her teeth, lets Americans die, considers herself above the law; and yet is still the front runner.
Now anybody with a lick of sense knows the Dems have a great long game. They don't think in terms of election cycles, they think in terms of long term goals and will do whatever it takes to accomplish them up to and including letting Hillary run and lose in order to put the Presidency back in play in 2020.
   Ponder this, the economy is teetering under a mountain of debt, the market is a roller coaster, unemployment is at an all time high regardless of what the government says, foreign policy has weakened us abroad to the point that our allies don't trust us and our enemies don't fear us, and the current GOP leadership lacks the guts to make the hard decisions or are just content to be in power, which is even worse to my way of thinking.
Now, let's play this out two different ways. 
    First, we elect a moderate such as Jeb. He tries to work with the Dems and they take his lunch money every day. Then they blame every bad thing that happens that finally happens on him and the current GOP majorities. He works harder to reach across the aisle and they work harder to destroy him and the Congressional Leadership. Bingo, perfect storm to elect someone like Deval Patrick, Obama's hand picked successor.
   Second scenario: We elect a true Conservative such as Ted Cruz. He will attempt to right a sinking ship making tough decisions in spending cuts concerning welfare and ''entitlements''. He will be pilloried in the press as an extremist woman hating, homophobe that wants to euthanize the elderly by defunding Obamacare.  The Left will be out in force ready to pounce on everything he attempts to set right. He will have few public forums  in which to press his case. His every action will be scrutinized, he will taken out of context, the media will do a daily drum beat for the Dems.
     Why would they go to all this, to give up four years of control? my theory is twofold. First, this will give the Dems four years to register all the refugees and illegals to for a solid voting bloc that will pretty much guarantee a majority the will be the end of the two party system. Secondly, The Supremes are aging fast. I figger by 2021, the President will select two maybe three Justices for the court. that would be game set match for the US as we know it.
   Now this is all supposition on my part, but damn, it makes a body ponder, don't it? A final thought here, what if Hillary perseveres and wins and country goes south? She can always do what her predecessor did and blame Bush.